VERY IMPORTANT!!!!! Please use children's first names only. Thank you.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Firefighter Visit

The firefighters came to our school.  We learnt about good and bad fires.  Good fires are safe fires when Mum and Dad are there.  Bad fires are like bushfires or when a Mum or Dad is not there.  We learnt about Get down low, go, go, go.  We say that if there is a fire.  They also bought in a smoke alarm.  Every house should have one.  We saw the uniform.  Miss Hull had to put it on.  She said it was very heavy wearing the oxygen tank and it felt strange to breathe through the mask.  Next time the firefighters will show us the firetruck.

1 comment:

  1. Blake and Zoe enjoyed telling me about the visit from the Firefighter. They also had a lot of fun drawing our family on the paper provided and making sure the fire alarm was including. They have both used their door hanger for their bedroom. They also told me about what number to call in an emergency and that they must know their address, something we discuss with them often. - Sam
