VERY IMPORTANT!!!!! Please use children's first names only. Thank you.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Responsible Pet Program

We had the Responsible Pet Program.  A lady spoke to us about how to take care of animals.  We learnt what a happy dog and an angry dog look like.  Some people got to touch the big dog.  You have to first ask the owner if you can pat it.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Welcome Back to Term 3

Wow one week down already!!! This term is going to be very busy in Prep H.  We have lots of exciting learning to do and lots of special events.

We have been learning about:
* Odd and even numbers.
* The number 12 and 13.
* Chunking sounds together.
* Before and after when working with numbers.
* Making predictions when reading.

We have a number of children going on holidays this term which is very exciting.  Please remember to write a note with the dates your child will be away and put it in the plastic pocket.

We are running very low on tissues so would love some extra boxes to survive the cold weather.